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Missions Month is coming!
Each Sabbath (Saturday)will feature our church's calling in the Great Commission, proclaiming Jesus' name among the nations – locally, regionally and internationally.
Four Bible passages state a promise that in the end times when Christ returns, we will be worshiping Jesus with all...
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Something new this month! Not just one prayer focus – TWO! June is our missions month – so we naturally need to focus our prayers on our field workers and outreach ministries. AND June is the start of our camp season – so we certainly...
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We were very excited to see the sanctuary filled on Wed., May 4th with clubbers, their families, and our Awana staff. These people gathered to celebrate all God has done in the lives of over 60 Awana clubbers this year and to present certificates and...
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In this issue:
We Think You Should Read These Books
Prayer Focus – Our Leaders
Koinonia Youth Ministries April 2022 Update
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Beginning in May the Welcome Center will be populated with books that could very easily CHANGE. YOUR. LIFE. The Elders have put together the following list of influential books because they changed our lives in profound ways, and we want our church family to benefit from...
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Recently Pastor Nate talked about ways to support our spiritual leaders – through meeting their physical/financial needs and by providing feedback on the impact they have on our lives.
Here’s another way to support them – through prayer. We are even instructed to do this in 1 Timothy 2:1:...
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Jesus said: We must work the works of Him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work. John 9:4
We have kicked into gear the Koinonia Singers Tour for this year in June. The itinerary below is almost complete.
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In this issue:
Resurrection Rejoicing
Sabbath School class starting April 23
Prayer Focus – Ukraine
Q Place Groups Update – March 2022
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"The angel said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.’” (Matthew 28:5-6)
At first the Lord’s disciples were deeply grieved at his death....
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Families! Families share a history. When they gather, families share stories - Stories about grandparents and people we miss. Funny stories about the children growing up. Silly, embarrassing stories about odd relatives. We tell them over and over again - these stories that help us...