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Missons Month Action Plan
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Missions Month Action Plan

Missons Month Action Plan

30 Jun 2022, by Linda Lyke in Newsletter

Each week in June, Pastor Nate taught about God’s mission to be worshipped and the pinpoint focus God has given our church in the Great Commission, making disciples of all nations.

Remember that one third of all people in the world still are without access to the Bible, the Church and other believers.  Many have still never heard the saving name of Jesus.  Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

Have you taken steps to participate in our church’s mission opportunities in serving locally (Jerusalem), regionally (Judea/Samaria) and internationally (ends of the earth)?  Here are opportunities to participate in God’s plan in our church body:

June 4 – Dylan Dodd

What: Nine month missions trip to Costa Rica, Africa and South Africa

Pray:  Support Dylan’s trip monetarily and pray for his trip to be successful in sharing Jesus’ message.

Donate: Online at

Or by making checks payable to “Experience Mission” with  “dylan.dodd” in the memo.

June 11 – Uganda

What: Children’s World Impact partnering in Uganda for a self-sustaining poultry farm, where it is expected to give 20 women employment

Pray: for the project to thrive in Uganda and for all the details to fall into place.

Donate:  to support ongoing ministry in critical need of funding. $3,000 is needed to repair the orphanage building and $2,400 for the support of refugees in that area.

June 18 – Rohingya in Milwaukee

What: Our adopted people group

Pray: about God’s will for regular visits to our Roh friends in Milwaukee – monthly interaction, growing the relationship, and what the needs are.

Thank You:  to those of you who were a part of packing school supplies for the Rohingya children in Milwaukee in our ongoing partnership with Devon Oasis. More details to come on delivery to Milwaukee. Come with us!!

June 25 –  East Side Story

What: Our local outreach to Milton East Elementary

Pray: that a champion/leader from our church would step forward to lead this project at Milton East

Sign up: to be a part of the East Side Team to make food or serve at special teacher meals, be a lunch buddy, do prayer walks, or help at school activities

In our ongoing support of missions through our church, purchase Kwik Trip cards and use Amazon Smile where proceeds benefit our church outreach programming. Call the church office (608-868-2741) for details.