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Q Place June 2022 Update
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Q Place June 2022 Update

30 Jun 2022, by Linda Lyke in Newsletter

What a privilege to coach pastors and everyday Christians to learn how to start Q Place groups! It never gets old because God is always writing new stories!

This spring a couple came into my Q Place Coaching group extremely eager to learn. God had surprised them by suddenly filling their church small group with a lot of seekers, and they needed to know what to do with them!

Because of the pandemic, Adam and Jamie’s small group had dwindled down to half its size. After they prayed for more group members, one of the leaders invited her cousin who had been in the New Age movement and had recently become a Christian.

After coming a few times, this baby Christian invited everyone she knew! Most of her friends were coming out of New Age or drug culture, and after some of them came, they invited their friends.

Now, nine of these young adults in their late 20s or early 30s are coming on and off to the group. Six of these have at least one child from a past relationship. They bring their kids, and a babysitter helps them learn about Jesus. The kids like it and want to come back and even influence their parents to keep coming!

When Adam and Jamie told us about their group, my co-coach and I were thrilled to know that God had prepared us to have a part in what He would do in these group participants’ lives.

And I am so grateful for the vital part you play in stories like these! Through your support, encouragement, and prayers, Adam and Jamie (and many more like them) are being equipped to help people in many places along their spiritual journeys.

Beyond coaching Christians like Adam and Jamie, with your support I am also:

  • connecting church leaders with Q Place resources for evangelism and discipleship
  • training Christians to lead their own small groups in ways that can easily bridge to starting groups for seekers
  • providing strategic leadership for our field and national teams

All of this means more people with Christians in their lives who are relating well with them and helping them find Jesus through reading and discussing the Bible.  As we coach Adam and Jamie, they are immediately applying what they learn.

They appreciate having core values and guidelines that help them set the tone for their group and stay on track in discussions. They’re glad to learn about resources that will fit their group over time.

They are encouraged to know that the Holy Spirit will use Scripture to open the group participants’ eyes and help them see the good news of Jesus.

 I am excited about what God will do in and through these people! As God continues to spread this ministry, there will be many more Adams and Jamies and groups like theirs. I am praising God to see this happening, and I am grateful that you believe in what I am doing and have come alongside as partners!   Thank you!


Jan Teat

Q Place National Field Leader