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The Yemeni – April 2018 prayer focus
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The Yemeni – April 2018 prayer focus

10 Apr 2018, by Renee Sanford in Prayer

27 million people

99% Muslim

Yemen Family


An ancient Arab people, living just south of Saudi Arabia. Their communal tribal culture sets roles & responsibilities rigidly by gender and age. Fatalism, hopelessness, resignation and dependence permeate their culture. 50,000 Yemeni live in Dearborn, Michigan, where they cling to ultra conservative Islam. They cherish poetry, relationships and family honor. They are readily influenced by emotional passionate speech while rejecting cold logic.

Map of YEmen


Chronic warfare, illiteracy, drug addiction, internal refugees due to war, chronic water shortages, severe famine affecting over half the population.


As Muslims, Yemeni worship Allah, a demanding, controlling god who guarantees salvation only to those who die in his service. They live in fear of Allah and evil spirits. Family honor requires killing any who convert to Christianity.


 LORD, awaken the world to the severe famine; send help to meet their immediate physical needs

  • Bring an end to the war
  • Break the bondage of fear, drugs & hopelessness
  • Reveal the depth of your love for them
  • Work in Yemeni hearts so they respond to the gospel
  • Raise up people to pray for Yemen
  • Send out your word and your people to Yemen to share the good news of Jesus Christ with them
  • Let the Yemeni join the people of God in worship and praise!

More information

(Warning: Graphic pictures of starvation and famine.)

More than 8 million ‘a step away’ from famine in Yemen

UN launches $3bn appeal for Yemen

‘Only God can save us’: Yemeni children starve as aid is held at border

Yemen famine images

Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD GOD, when I will send a famine on the land— not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD. (Amos 8:11)