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The Gospel Shared – November 2021
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Koinonia Youth Ministry

The Gospel Shared – November 2021

30 Nov 2021, by Guest Speaker in Newsletter

Dear Friends in Christ,

‘Gospel’- ‘Good News’!

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes…. Romans 1:16

We live in a time when every day brings another day of bad news; and it’s a refreshing thing to hear ‘Good News’ in these times.

I think that is why I’ve been hearing so many preachers lately saying: ‘You need to preach the Gospel to yourself every day’. Good news can be any good thing we hear about at any given time that may give joy, peace or hope, but the Gospel of Jesus Christ gives an eternal joy, peace and hope unlike any other good news.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ in a nutshell is that God created everything to show off his glory, but man chose other things as greater treasure rather than God. That was the sin that condemned the world to destruction and man could not bring himself back from that sin.

But because of God’s great love, he sent Jesus to be the payment for sin and bring man back to peace with God so we could be resurrected with Jesus to glorious eternal life.

It’s a special blessing to see a young person come to an understanding of the Gospel and respond by committing their hearts to the Lord and then hear their testimony of salvation.

A Friday night in mid-November was one of those times to see and hear the testimony of God working in young people’s lives. Club 180, the bible club in Milton sponsored a worship night open to any youth from any school.

We worshiped through song and heard testimonies of the Lord bringing youth to salvation…..and the whole experience was initiated and planned by the youth themselves. What good news of hope seeing and hearing these things from the young Christians who boldly stand out for Jesus because His Gospel has touched their hearts.

I pray these testimonies of God’s Gospel working in the lives of young people will warm your hearts with this good news, and most importantly turn our hearts and minds to preaching the Gospel to ourselves every day so we may have hope.

Your support to see this ministry continue is good news to help the Gospel go forward in the lives of youth.

In the month of Thanksgiving …..Thank you…..and especially Thank the Lord for His Gospel!

Lord Bless,


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