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Resurrection Rejoicing
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Resurrection Rejoicing

Resurrection Rejoicing

30 Mar 2022, by Nate Crandall in Newsletter

“The angel said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.’” (Matthew 28:5-6)

At first the Lord’s disciples were deeply grieved at his death. Then at the announcement of his resurrection by the angel, they were terrified. Soon, their fear gave way to joy, as they saw with their own eyes the risen Lord.

For those of us who know this most amazing of all stories, our range of emotions is not as great as his disciples on that weekend of his crucifixion and resurrection. We believe that these events truly took place. We have placed our faith in Jesus as our Savior and Lord. We have hope that at some point in the future Jesus will return and bring to a completion his work of salvation in the world. All of this brings us cause to greatly rejoice in the salvation that we have received through our Lord.

So why does it seem that we so easily tend toward complaining about daily life instead of rejoicing over the victory that Jesus gave to us over sin and death?

Perhaps we’ve just not yet kicked the habit of complaining. Maybe the consummation of God’s coming Kingdom seems a long ways off given the trials that we are facing. Perhaps we are focusing way more on the things of daily life to the exclusion of life eternal.

Whatever the case, Easter is on the way, and with it we have a great opportunity to cut out the complaining and put on some Resurrection Rejoicing! This year on the evening of Good Friday we will be gathering to worship and honor our Risen Lord. We are going to rejoice in his resurrection and all that it means for our coming resurrection. As a part of this service we will be praying for healing and freedom for all who are hungry for it!

On Easter Sabbath, we will be gathering as usual for a morning of rejoicing in the Lord. So let’s prepare our hearts and turn our attention to the Lord who saves, heals, redeems and set us free to rejoice!