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Q Place Update – November 2021
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Q Place Update – November 2021

30 Nov 2021, by Guest Speaker in Newsletter

I love presenting the picture of what the 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations are and why they are important, so that pastors, church leaders, and congregations grow in relating to others like Jesus did.

In November, our team presented a NEW live 9 Arts Webinar for Church Leaders. Q Place recorded it so that pastors and church leaders can watch the webinar when it is convenient for them.

We recently developed another new workshop called How to Lead a Thriving Small Group Bible Study. In this workshop we train Christians to lead small groups using our inductive approach and materials, getting everyone involved in discussing and applying Scripture.

Our team has been watching research that reveals biblical illiteracy is rising among evangelical Christians, and many pastors are recognizing the need in their congregations for growth in small groups and in Scripture. As small group leaders are equipped through the workshop and get comfortable facilitating, this could

become another pathway for Christians to start Q Place groups outside the church.

From Coaching . . . to New Q Place Groups!

My passion to coach Christians to learn how to start Q Place groups grows out of what I’ve seen God do through these groups over the years. Here is what God is doing in the Christians I’ve recently coached:

Rich, a pastor in Illinois, started a group for men shortly after he finished coaching in May.

Becky from Kansas started a group with her pastor and his wife in June. Initially only one lady came but they didn’t give up. Now they have five seekers/skeptics coming!

Mike, Anna, and George from Maine started their group in June. Four people came to the first meeting. One gentleman’s wife is dying of cancer, and he has many questions for God. Mike is reaching out and spending time with him outside the group, showing Christ’s love.

Gordon and Nancy, from Ontario, finished coaching in March.

After they went through the 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations with Christian friends, three from that group now invited ten unchurched people to their new Q Place group that will start on November 21.

Bob and his wife started a Q Place group in the Chicago area in April. Only one woman came but over time she trusted Jesus as her Savior! It is worth it if even just one person comes!

Kim and Wendy, from Chicago area, finished coaching in late July. They are using David, a Q Place Bible discussion guide, with 100 women in eight groups that started in September.

Jochen, a dentist, and Andreas, a teacher, finished coaching in July. In September they started a group for men in their small village in Germany and are very excited about this!  They meet outdoors around a campfire and use reindeer skins to keep warm!

I enjoyed watching the triad from your church present the 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations at your conference this summer. I was also pleased to see Pastor Nate in October when he stopped by one of our sponsor tables at the Amplify Outreach Conference. I am grateful for your church’s partnership in advancing God’s kingdom!

With gratitude, Jan Teat
Q Place National Field Leader

To support Jan, click the Donate button below, scroll down to the “Choose a fund” drop down and select “Ministry of Jan Teat”.
