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Q Place Groups Update – March 2022
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Q Place Groups Update – March 2022

30 Mar 2022, by Linda Lyke in Newsletter

Through your prayers and support, Christians are starting groups for spiritual seekers! Read what participants in my recent coaching groups said about their new Q Place groups.

Miguel works with international college students in Everett, WA, and started his new group in January after going through Q Place Coaching in the fall.

 After 4 months of friendship building, in January we started a “Questions of Life” Group. Since most of our friends are pretty closed to religion and suspicious of the Bible, we are talking about questions like “What is the meaning of Life” or “Why is there suffering?” Four not-yet-Christian college students from Bangladesh, Costa Rica, and Japan are very committed, and five more from Russia, Pakistan, India, and Peru come occasionally. Everyone shares their own perspective and of course we share a Christian perspective, but in a gentle and loving way.

 One guy from a Muslim background was very open to spiritual conversations and the Bible. So, we have started a Bible study in the gospel of Mark just for him. This is what he said, “Today as I read about Jesus, I literally felt goosebumps.” ~ Miguel, WA

 Jill, a professor, went through coaching for the second time so that she could invite her friend, Karen, to join her. In January they started a new group in MI.

 I’ve been asking God to give me a bigger life, one with more influence, and He sure seems to be answering that prayer! In the fall 2020, I was leading a group of women through the 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations when I was invited to Q Place Coaching. Coaching was so encouraging as the leaders shared many personal stories of how non-believers seemed to value having a space to discuss spiritual things, but I was resistant because after all, I didn’t know any of my neighbors, I didn’t have a co-facilitator, my workplace is an absolute nonstarter, etc. But God was working on my heart, and within a few months, He provided two other women excited to join my team. We prayed for our contacts throughout the summer, and just kept walking through the doors as He opened them.

Our Q-Place group started on January 31st on Zoom, and we are all excited to create a safe space to watch God work in all of us. To Him be the glory!  ~ Jill, MI

Jochen and Andreas, from a small village in Germany started their group in September.

Ten men have been coming. They meet outside by a campfire with reindeer skins to keep warm! On Feb. 17th we got back together to check in and share how God has been working. Here’s what they said:

Andreas:  We are really enthusiastic about our men’s group around the campfire. It is full of many interesting men. We always get something out of it and there is good and deep talking. I never would have the attitude towards leading a group like this if I didn’t have the coaching. I have such a relaxed attitude and I don’t have to teach or preach. I am just there, and we can be friends. 

It is so special.

Jochen:  We love being there and it is so easy to invite men. When my dental patients share their problems, I ask, “Would you like to join us Wednesday evening?”  Everyone is so enthusiastic. They like to come and want to come. Jesus has created a place where men can relax and have deep relationships and that’s great. Andreas and I are still the biggest fans of Q Place. We’re thankful that you helped us to establish the Q Place.

Pastor Keith from Pennsylvania says why he started a Q Place group.

It’s not easy to reach out to the unchurched in a small, rust belt Pennsylvania town. Over 20% of the town’s population lives below the poverty level. Drug use is rampant. And hope has declined with the declining population. Deacon Don and I reached the conclusion that neighborhood home groups might be a good way to reach people, so we started a group! And now Deacon Don and his wife are also starting a group with another couple in their winter location—Venice, Florida!  ~ Keith, PA

 You can start a Q Place group too! Learn how at May God bless you!


Jan Teat