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Putting Prayer into Practice
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Putting Prayer into Practice

27 Feb 2023, by Nate Crandall in Newsletter

Jesus is our life, and prayer is one of the indispensable ways that we remain connected to the wholeness of his life. May it be said of us in 2023 that our life is full of “often” getting away to spend time in prayer with him.

Individual prayer is not the only prayer habit we need to cultivate. Group times of prayer are just as important, but, unfortunately, the prayer meeting is not prioritized in the life of the modern church.

I have been leading prayer groups since I was 18 years old, and I have only rarely seen much excitement for them. My point is not to criticize but instead to offer an opportunity to change that trend.

Michelle and I will be hosting a prayer meeting every Friday night during the month of March at our house. The prayer meeting will start at 6:30 p.m., and we will be following the 7 Steps Daily format for prayer which I shared with you earlier this year.

If you haven’t had much opportunity to try 7 Steps Daily, now is your chance to be immersed in it and see how it works. If your daily discipline for prayer is not going well, being around other believers can really help jump-start your own prayer times.

Since we are followers of Jesus, let’s work at putting this whole prayer thing into practice. Let’s put ourselves in a place where the Lord can move on our hearts together as we seek to draw close to him.

I don’t know what the Lord is going to do, but I am looking forward to finding out. My hope is that our hearts are renewed with greater desire to know the Lord, to love the Lord, and to do his will.

Michelle and I really hope that you can set aside at least one Friday night and join us. Be sure to bring your fuzzy socks or your slippers since the Crandalls have just had new carpeting installed. (It’s nice and comfy by the way!)

Most of all, just bring an open heart. I’m confident that the Lord will do the rest.