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Prayer Focus – Ukraine
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Ukraine prayer

Prayer Focus – Ukraine

30 Mar 2022, by Renee Sanford in Newsletter

Ukraine is about the size of Texas, but with twice as many people (44 million).

A bit of background has helped me pray: Ukraine is a major producer of Europe’s wheat – it generated more than 25% of the entire Soviet Union’s agricultural products. Since gaining its independence in 1991, Ukraine has struggled to take advantage of its economic potential and remains largely dependent on Russia for oil and gas.

Tensions with Russia and internally in Ukraine are nothing new. During the 71 years of Soviet rule, Ukraine endured famines deliberately created by Russia – over 8 million people died – almost one-fifth of the population. The Soviet government undermined Ukrainian culture, forbidding the study and use of the Ukrainian language. The nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl in 1986 continues to inflict environmental damage, disease, and death.

In 2013, the Ukrainian government sought improved relations with Russia. The history of oppression led to massive protests with hundreds of thousands in attendance. When the government passed anti-protest laws, the protests escalated into deadly riots. Though these laws were later annulled, fighting and unrest continued across Ukraine, resulting in the loss of thousands of lives. In the midst of this internal chaos, Russia annexed part of Ukraine (Crimea), adding further frustration to an already divided nation. Attempts at peace and reconciliation have been largely unsuccessful – with the current invasion the latest escalation.

Pray for Basic Needs

  • Keep people safe amid the chaos
  • Meet daily needs for food, shelter, clothing, medical supplies
  • Help families stay in touch
  • Provide safe havens for refugees
  • Strengthen the faith of believers – encourage them and comfort their fears

Pray for an End to Conflict

  • Let your peace and reconciliation overcome hatred, conflict, and war
  • Address the historic oppression and conflict
  • Show forth your glory as you control the destiny of nations
  • Provide wisdom for world leaders in response to Russian aggression
  • Change the hearts and minds of Russian leadership
  • Open the eyes of invading Russian soldiers – draw them to you and to peace

 Pray for Salvation

  • Let followers of Jesus arise as messengers of hope to war victims and the oppressed
  • Let the chaos and misery draw people to you – to faith and salvation in Christ Equip your church to minister to hurting people and disciple new believers