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Prayer Focus – Thanksgiving
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Prayer Focus – Thanksgiving

01 Nov 2023, by Renee Sanford in Newsletter

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good. His steadfast love endures forever (1 Chronicles 16:34)

Or in Bill Gaither’s words: His love has no limits, His grace has no measure, His power no boundary known unto men; For out of His infinite riches in Jesus He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.

LORD, we give thanks to you! You are worthy of all praise. You are the giver of infinite joy.

Pour out your Spirit upon us so we can see and feel the glory of your love. O how we need you to even know our need for your mercy and grace.

Guide our thoughts to the infinite worth of your giving. The blessings we have here – our health, our friends, our family, shelter, food, work. The ever-lasting blessings Jesus secured for us – our sins forgiven and eternal life with Him.

Convict us again of the depths of our sin-nature and sinful thoughts and actions. We deserve condemnation and death, not the blessings you shower upon us. All you provide flows from your very nature – the good shepherd who cares for His sheep.

Do not let this awareness not lead us to despair. No! Let it reveal to us more about you – the all-knowing, all-powerful creator and redeemer – who reconciled justice and love in Jesus. May gratitude blossom into praise and thanksgiving. How wonderful, how amazing is your grace. How glorious is your mercy to us.

Open our hearts, open our mouths to pour forth thanksgiving and joyful praise to you. May your praises be continually on our lips as we rejoice in the gifts that show your glory and grace. Let the whole earth resound with praise and thanksgiving.

  • Kuehne Renee Reply

    AMEN AND AMEN!! Thank you for sharing. Praise God for All that He has done 🙏

  • Kuehne Renee Reply

    Praise God from Whom ALL BLESSINGS Flow 🙌 🙏 ✨️