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Pray for Awana
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Pray for Awana

30 Aug 2023, by Renee Sanford in Newsletter

Awana club nights begin September 13 – but preparations have been underway since last spring! (Thank you, Angie Mullen! Thank you, Mike Hoffman!).

Over the years we’ve had 60-100 kids weekly, with over 25 adult volunteers who keep this incredible outreach going. Please pray for all aspects of Awana, including:

Joy, Celebration, Fun

LORD, make 2023-24 a year of joy and blessing, all for your glory! Let the games and fellowship draw kids to club, where they can hear the good news about Jesus. May each award encourage kids to seek the you.

Fellowship, Belonging

Make Awana a welcoming place, where each child experiences belonging to the family of God. Make it so uplifting that they eagerly invite their friends.

Spiritual Growth

Let biblical truth permeate young lives as clubbers memorize scripture and hear the weekly messages. Let the small group and large group lessons clearly point them to Jesus. May their hearts and lives be transformed by the Holy Spirit.


LORD, we want our children to receive the gift of eternal life. In your perfect timing, lead them to call on the name of Jesus and be saved! Let them enter into a life-long commitment to follow Christ and grow daily to be more like him. Give them boldness to share their faith with others.

Family Impact

Move powerfully in the lives of Awana families as they work with their children on handbooks and verses. Encourage clubbers to open their Bibles and handbooks during the week, creating opportunities to talk about spiritual issues with their families.

LORD, reveal where there are hurts and needs in the families of the children who come here. Show us how we can minister to them with the love of Jesus.


We ask for the blessing of physical safety at Awana for clubbers, their families, and our staff – especially in the exuberance of game time! 

LORD, protect us spiritually as well. Foil any attacks of the evil one trying to prevent clubbers from getting to club or understanding what they learn.


Keep all staff and leaders healthy & spiritually strong. Give them patience, wisdom, peace and the love of Jesus as they present God’s truth to their small groups. Provide opportunities for leaders to pray with clubbers and share the gospel. Let them experience the power of God working in and through them as they share with kids.


Thank you, LORD, for continuing to provide all the resources needed for this ministry. Thank you for the funds, the staff, the space and the support of Awana Missionaries Tim and Cheryl Gilley.

Thank you for praying!

We want God to be glorified in the lives of all who participate in our Awana Ministry. May 2023-24 be a fruitful year, as God answers our prayers in Jesus name beyond what we have asked or imagined.