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Pastor Nate’s Annual Report
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Pastor Nate’s Annual Report

30 Jan 2019, by Nate Crandall in Pastor Nate

Last year my report focused on giving a detailed analysis of how well we had accomplished the goals from our strategic plan. We had done a lot of great work, and it was important to highlight our successes, especially since so much of the five-year plan had already been completed. This year’s report will be nothing like that.

We have certainly accomplished a great deal this past year, and that is worthy of being celebrated! The list of our 2018 goals and whether or not they were accomplished are in the February Stay Connected newsletter.

However, the kingdom of God is more than accomplishing tasks. When the kingdom advances, it can’t always be quantified and put down on paper. Much of God’s work is done in secret, behind the scenes. We don’t often see the whole picture until well after the Lord began His work. Even then we are always a work in progress.

So what have I seen God doing this past year?

1. God is stirring the hearts of His people.

Some of this stirring resulted in those who trusted their life and future to Christ! As a result of the women’s Bible study this summer and from the Q-place ministry, several women have become a part of God’s family through faith. Praise the Lord! This fall we held a class called “Start to Follow” which called people to living as disciples of Jesus. The Holy Spirit stirred up our hearts to press on past believing thing about Jesus to becoming fully devoted to him as we follow.

The Lord is stirring people’s hearts to be involved in ministry in ways that continue to amaze me. I have seen a pattern of the Holy Spirit placing a burden on people’s hearts to step forward into a greater role of serving. I have also seen the Lord place a burden on people’s hearts to step out of a certain ministry in order to serve in a different capacity. All of these things I attribute to the Lord’s stirring up our hearts.

2. God is making some changes. Change is hard but necessary.

Some of the changes are internal, and that can be the most difficult. I see that God is clearing out the things in our lives which keep us from knowing him fully and experiencing all that He has for us.

Some changes are external. We’ve had those who have moved and become part of the church and those who have moved away. We’ve had changes within our various ministries. Sometimes it is good to change things around so that we get refreshed and can have a sense of renewed vision.

I believe the Lord needed to rearrange some things in order to get us ready for the work he is doing this coming year.

3. God is being faithful

We have had many downs this year. Cancer has affected our church family in huge ways.

Yet, the Lord has not changed his affection for us. He is an ever-present help in times of trouble. He makes a way through the difficulties. Emotional and mental challenges have gripped many in our body. Yet I see that God is magnifying Himself in our eyes.

Through this we are  experiencing true worship.

We have seen the Lord be faithful by caring for us through other people. His faithfulness has been clearly seen as you all have responded to the needs of your brothers and sisters. We must acknowledge that this is God’s work because as the scripture says, “It is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” (Philippians 2:13)

He is faithful, and He works in us to be faithful.

So in brief, this report deals with concepts and big ideas instead of the usual tasks accomplished in the past year. Certainly, both are needed, but let’s remember that God’s work doesn’t usually fit into our neat and tidy boxes.

However, His work is always good!

God has done good work this past year. Let’s celebrate that work. Let’s celebrate Him. He alone is worthy of it.