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Seven Steps Daily

10.01.2019 in Pastor Nate, Prayer

Dear beloved and chosen child of Jesus, One of the greatest challenges we face is to stay vibrantly connected to Jesus on a daily basis. He is the source of our life. True life flows from our relationship with him. Yet, we have a tendency to make...

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God’s Friendship Plan

01.01.2019 in Newsletter, Pastor Nate

“You are my friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I...

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The Values of Our Vision – Unity

01.12.2018 in Pastor Nate

“In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he...

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Position available

12.11.2018 in Uncategorized

Church Nursery Director Part time, 12-15 hours per month, primarily Saturday mornings Responsibilities include: care of nursery-aged children (new-born to 5) supervision of paid & volunteer nursery workers schedule of workers training & appraisal of workers compliance with policies & procedures Essential characteristics: being a Christian attention to...

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A Message from David Platt

13.09.2018 in Cross Conference

I remember like it was yesterday sitting as a student in a breakout session at a college conference. It was me and about 10 other students — apparently not the most popular option that day. The breakout leader, Jeff Lewis, opened the Bible to the book...

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Wakonda Staff Training

14.05.2018 in Wakonda

Mandatory Safety in Ministry Training (SIM)  for all Camp Staffs (Vacation Bible School, Intermediate Camp, Junior High Camp, Senior High Camp) Followed by mandatory training for the overnight camp staffs. Anyone else needing SIM training for any other church ministry (Collision, youth Grow Groups, etc. ) is...

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The Yemeni – April 2018 prayer focus

10.04.2018 in Prayer

27 million people 99% Muslim Who An ancient Arab people, living just south of Saudi Arabia. Their communal tribal culture sets roles & responsibilities rigidly by gender and age. Fatalism, hopelessness, resignation and dependence permeate their culture. 50,000 Yemeni live in Dearborn, Michigan, where they cling to ultra...

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