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My Christmas Prayer for You
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Christmas Prayer

My Christmas Prayer for You

27 Nov 2023, by Renee Sanford in Newsletter

I wish you…I wish you…a “Merry Christmas.”

Merry? No…that’s not quite it. I mean yes, merriment, yes, family and feasting, hymns and candlelight worship, presents and excitement, happy children’s faces, snowmen and jingle bells, and Linus reading Luke 2.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

But that’s not quite my wish for you – my prayer for you. I wish… I wish… I wish… I pray… for tender hearts and open eyes to see the glorious truth that HE CAME. HE CAME. JESUS CAME.

The creator of the universe, God of Gods, King of Kings.  HE CAME. HE CAME to set the prisoners free. HE CAME to heal the broken hearted. HE CAME to turn our ashes into beauty. HE CAME to replace the spirit of heaviness with the garment of praise. HE CAME to save us all from Satan’s power.

HE CAME. Word of God now in flesh appearing. HE CAME. Into our darkness. Into our pain. HE CAME. HE KNEW what it would mean. HE KNEW Calvary was coming. HE KNEW. HE KNEW and yet HE CAME. Because we are helpless and needy, blind, naked, imprisoned, estranged. HE CAME.

Oh dear God, YOU CAME. Jesus, Savior, King, Priest, Sacrifice, Friend. YOU CAME. Veiled in flesh the Godhead see, Hail the incarnate deity, pleased as man with men to dwell, Jesus our Emmanuel. YOU CAME. Lamb of God, Light of the World, oh so greatly exalted. Into the world’s darkness, YOU CAME.

So, no, merry doesn’t begin to capture my prayer wish for you. I wish you… I wish you… I wish you… I pray for you a PROFOUND Christmas.

May you encounter the living God at the deepest level of your heart. May you grow in understanding of who HE is and what HE did. And from that deep well of all-encompassing wonder and joy, may irrepressible merriment burst forth. 

So, yes, I wish you a Merry Christmas. A PROFOUNDLY Merry Christmas. Because HE CAME. Merry Christmas! God has blessed us, every one.

Let us pray for one another – LORD, give my brothers and sisters in Christ a PROFOUNDLY Merry Christmas. May you open the eyes of those who do not know you so that they, too, may have a PROFOUNDLY Merry Christmas.