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the meaning of marriage


29 Aug 2021, by Nate Crandall in Newsletter

Who can forget the immortal words of the priest in the Princess Bride? “Mawwiage is what bwings us togethew today. Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam within a dweam. And wove, twue wove, wiww fowwow you fowevah and evah….”

Marriage is indeed what will bring us together this fall, as I will be teaching for seven weeks on “The Meaning of Marriage” starting the first Sabbath in September.

There is much confusion in our world, both among believers and non-believers, on what marriage is and what marriage is not. Since marriage was created by God, it is imperative that we find out what his perspective is. Otherwise, we will be confused and adding to the confusion that already exists in the world.

I will be following the outline that bestselling author and Pastor Timothy Keller has taken in his book “The Meaning of Marriage.” My primary goal in this series will be the same as Keller’s in writing his book which is    “to give both married and unmarried people a vision for what marriage is according to the Bible. That will help married people correct mistaken views that might be harming their marriage, and it will help single people stop destructively over-desiring marriage or destructively dismissing marriage altogether.”

When marriage is founded on and led by God’s vision as he shows us in his Word, it can be one of the most awesome and powerful and meaningful and beautiful things in the whole world. I hope that you will both invest your time in this series of messages as well as share them with others who will benefit from them.

Above all, please join me in praying that the Lord’s will in this series will be accomplished and that Satan’s plans to derail it will be thwarted! Thank you and may God bless us richly through his powerful Word concerning marriage.