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Making Disciples Who Make Disciples
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Making Disciples Who Make Disciples

24 Feb 2021, by Linda Lyke in Newsletter, Outreach

Jan Teat’s Q Place Update

Jan Teat - Q-Place

I have reached out to unbelievers in small groups for 45+ years, but 20 years ago I joined the Q Place staff and started training many other Christians to do what I love to do. Your partnership is multiplying Christians who are starting groups where people can come to know Jesus!

This past year has been a time of social isolation which could hinder the ability of Q Place groups to meet BUT it has also been a year of adapting to new formats and there are even more opportunities! Most Q Place groups are now meeting through online platforms. Some Christians are starting groups with relatives and friends who live in other states and even in other countries!

 Coaching Christians to Start Q Place Groups

Q Place Training

Monthly training of Volunteer Catalysts. Catalysts move Q Place forward in their areas.

More Christians than ever are coming into Q Place Coaching to learn how to start a group for spiritual seekers. I manage all of the coaching groups, and our current coaching groups are full! The twelve participants in my group come from California, Minnesota, Kansas, Illinois, Michigan, Maine, & Ontario. In this 7-week interactive training, Christians learn how to prepare, how to invite, what to do at the first meeting, and what resources are available to use in their Q Place groups.

Mike loved Q Place Coaching so he invited his daughter to join so they could start a Q Place group together. She is a pediatric gastroenterologist with many unbelieving friends in the medical field and community. They decided to start a group in March but realized that they wanted a third trained co-facilitator, so Mike invited a friend to join him. (Mike’s third time through coaching!)

 Training Churches in the 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations

Q Place developed the 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations curriculum to help Christians build relationships with people that they can invite into groups, and I train churches to use the curriculum. Recently

I led an online workshop for 5 pastors and 5 church leaders.

I was especially inspired by the following responses:

We all need training in how Jesus related to people. We don’t live in a Christian culture anymore. The church needs these 9 skills as a pre-evangelism outreach. I want to be a catalyst to get this going in my church. (26 years as missionary in China, now living in Texas)

I was given the 9 Arts book from a colleague who raves about the book. It really changed my life and directed me towards Q Place and in finding materials that have facilitated me in mentoring spiritual journeys with those in recovery from addiction.

[After we went through the 9 Arts “Listening” module together in the workshop] “I love this module! All my neck hairs are standing up because this is everything I’ve been looking for and hoping to take with me in the next couple of months to start leading these groups. I’m excited to dive into these materials. They will be helpful in conversations.” (Seminary student in IL, served as pastor for 3 years, mentors others to facilitate small groups for addiction recovery)

These are missional skills people need in society today to engage with people. I just love this! I can’t handle it! (Seminary student in Texas)

My goal is to preach a message on integrating faith into the workplace. Then the plan is to start a six-week Sunday School class using the 9 Arts practices. I want to start a quarterly group that looks at how to integrate faith at the workplace. (Middle school teacher who is also ordained)

Ministry takes a team of people. Thank you for being a key part of my team!

To support Jan Teat, click the Donate button below, scroll down to the “Choose a fund” drop down and select “Ministry of Jan Teat”.
