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Koinonia Youth Ministries – March 2023 update
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Koinonia Youth Ministry

Koinonia Youth Ministries – March 2023 update

27 Feb 2023, by Nate Crandall in Newsletter

That which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.” (1 John 1:3)

Koinonia is a Greek word that means “fellowship”. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard Larry Schultz talk about how real fellowship is “in the Lord” during the many performances of Koinonia Singers, but it always gets me because of how true it is. Real fellowship is conversation about the Lord and what the Lord is doing in our lives, and that is why it is so powerful and truly life changing.

Koinonia Youth Ministries continues to introduce teens in the Rock County area and beyond to Christ and to help them grow in their faith.

Koinonia Youth Group meets on Monday nights at Camp Wakonda and on Tuesday nights for Bible study. This year Koinonia Singers is doing a mini-Koinonia, and will give their presentation in several places including at Collision Student Ministries and on the first Sabbath of March during a portion of our worship service. 

As usual, in June Koinonia Singers will travel around Wisconsin presenting the gospel in word and song. We will be the host for their homecoming concert at the church on Sunday, June 25th.

Let me encourage you to make a special effort to pray for Koinonia as they prepare for the summer ministry coming up soon.

Pray for Larry and for all of the volunteers who so willing help to make this ministry possible.

Especially pray for the students on the trip whose lives will be radically impacted by Jesus. Also pray for all those who will come to their program – that their hearts will be truly open to receive the gospel message.

And finally, if you’d like to know more about what God is doing in Koinonia or are considering becoming a financial sponsor, just grab Larry. He’d love to have some koinonia with you!