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Koinonia News – October 2021
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Koinonia Youth Ministry

Koinonia News – October 2021

22 Sep 2021, by Janet Butler in Newsletter

Dear Friends in Christ,

…encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:25b ESV

In these trying times it’s good to hear some encouraging news. Considering the youth we work with here in the Koinonia Youth Ministries, here is some good news.

School has started, which can be a challenge for many youth, but many youth here with us have taken it on as a positive challenge. One positive thing that arose to give opportunities for kids going back to school was a youth rally sponsored by a group of youth leaders from the area to help kids to start bible clubs in their schools. A representative from the National School Project came in to encourage the youth and provide kids resources to lead these bible meetings at their schools. At the rally there were students who stood to say they would step-up to be organizers and leaders in their schools.

The Bible meetings will happen once a week and be student led; which is an exciting thing to see young people step up to be leaders in Christ. One of the groups started this morning in their school and the young leaders enthusiastically posted on their message page that there were 28 kids signed up to attend and more kids were going to attend remotely.

One of the young men, who has been home-schooled most of his life, decided to go to public school and play football became one of those leaders of a group already in his school. He said he went to the office to inquire about starting the Bible club and found the advisors to help make it happen.

This is happening in about 6 to 8 schools in Rock County, so we ask that you pray for these kids and the schools that they are being Mini Missionaries to.

September 22 was the national event ‘See You At The Pole’ where youth all over the country circle around their flag poles to pray for their schools and the peers attending. Even though the event will have already happened by time you receive this letter, please pray that more time like this will happen in the future.

When things like these happen, we need to encourage each other with the good news and encourage each other that the Lord continues to accomplish His work in the lives of young people, and all people.

Praise the Lord!!!

Lord Bless,