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It’s Time for Slime at Awana
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It’s Time for Slime at Awana

30 Aug 2023, by Angie Mullen in Newsletter

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year” ♫ is silently being sung in the heads of many moms everywhere as back to school is here.  I am also singing “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” because that means the clubbers are coming!!

Awana begins with registration night on Wednesday, September 6, from 6:00-7:30.  Families are encouraged to stop by and get their children all signed up and ready for the coming club year.  We will have people ready to take their registration forms, get handbooks and vests ordered, and collect dues. 

We will also have a station for clubbers to decorate their handbook bags as well as some surprises of things to do as they meet this year’s staff.  If your family is not able to make it to registration night, please contact Angie at 608-295-6484 or

Our amazing Awana staff will hold our annual staff meeting, beginning with a Staff Appreciation Picnic, on Sunday, September 10.  All staff should plan on attending.  Supper will be served at 6:00 and the meeting will begin at 6:30.  Thanks to Josh Harris and Linda Gilmore for helping with the food.  All staff who did not complete Safety in Ministry training for the summer camping season must complete this annual requirement before coming to the meeting. You can find the training at Please contact Angie if you have any questions.

Our club year officially begins on Wednesday, September 13 at 6:25 pm. Our K – 6th graders will be learning about what happens when it feels like we’ve been SLIMED in life as we walk through the Bible account of Jacob.  They will be thinking about how selfishness can lead to trouble, learning that God sees our dishonesty, understanding that God loves us in spite of our sin, wants to save us and give us new life and many other important

Bible truths.  Of course they will be memorizing God’s Word and learning how to apply it to their lives in their small groups and playing exciting games, too!   Our Cubbies (preschool clubbers) will be memorizing verses, learning who God is and how they can love Him, and playing games, too!

What children do YOU know who would love to be a part of the fun, exciting activities we do on Wed. night and might need a chance to learn about Jesus? 

Milton is part of our mission field and Awana is a super easy way to help children come to have a relationship with their Savior.  Pick up a welcome bag and all the information they need to come and try it out in the Welcome Center.  And don’t forget to be praying that God will use us to do his MIGHTY WORKS in the lives of children at our Awana Club this year.