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Growing In The Grace Of God
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Grace sermon series

Growing In The Grace Of God

30 Dec 2021, by Nate Crandall in Newsletter

Over the next few months I will be speaking on Sabbath mornings about the topic of grace. Paul’s letter to the Galatians is especially effective in teaching us about grace simply because he was addressing issues which challenged the reality of grace growing in God’s people.

In order to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18), we must be aware of those issues which divert us from this path. In this the apostle Paul can help us greatly!

Paul became known as the apostle of grace, but he started out on the opposite end of the spectrum. His early life before coming to know the Lord Jesus was characterized by legalistic righteousness. He was so good at it that he declared himself to be faultless at keeping the Jewish law.

Though we may not be in the same league as Paul was in terms of legalistic righteousness, we still may be caught up in the spirit of legalism in one way or another. As we take a journey through Paul’s letter to the Galatians, we are going to discover the truths which allowed Paul to leave legalism behind in order to embrace the grace of God. By his grace we will also be able to embrace these truths ourselves and to experience the fullness of all God has for us.