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Global Partnerships for the Gospel
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Global partnership for the gospel

Global Partnerships for the Gospel

30 Jan 2024, by Nate Crandall in Newsletter

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.  Philippians 1:3-6

Partnerships for the advance of the gospel are woven into the fabric of Christian history. Paul praised the partnership of the Philippian church with his apostolic church planting team. They provided both financial and personal support for Paul. They had embraced the team approach to being obedient to the Great Commission. In light of this, Paul reminded them of God’s work in them which the Lord would continue and bring to completion.

The Lord Jesus is working still through gospel partnerships to advance the kingdom during our time. We have the ability to partner with other believers, churches, and organizations on a global scale. Even though the scale of partnership can be larger for us, the same kinds of connections which the Philippians believers had with Paul are the ones we have and desire to have today.

Relationships through Christ, built on the truth of the gospel and flooded with the grace of God are what true partnerships are made of. Though this can be tricky to obtain when our partners are located far away, still the Lord provides everything that is needed.

In order to facilitate global partnerships for the gospel, your outreach team has decided to partner with the SDB Missionary Society’s annual missions week. This yearly missions emphasis takes place at the end of February. Perhaps because we like to do things with a little twist, and because of Paul’s words to the Philippians, we would like to introduce an annual emphasis on the gospel which we are calling
Global Partnership Sabbath

Global Partnership Sabbath will take place on February 24th in conjunction with the Missionary Society’s annual missions week. On that Sabbath you will hear updates about our partnership with the Missionary Society in Uganda. We will share about our partnership with the worldwide community of believers who are sharing Christ with the Rohingya people group. In addition, you will learn how you can partner with our church people who are sharing the gospel from Wisconsin to the other side of the world this summer.

The Lord calls his people to partner together for the sake of the gospel. May we be a people who answer his call!

  • Dear partners. Greetings from Tanzania East Africa
    It is true that we really wanted to cooperate with you and your ministry here in Tanzania.
    As we explained earlier, The Norbert and Friends Missions is an evangelist ministry established in Tanzania since 1999 with the aim of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ

    Our Vision
    People partnering to obey the great commission

    Our Mission
    Our mission is to bring people to Christ and build the society on biblical principles.

    We work with various churches in Tanzania.
    We have been planting churches in places where there are no churches and we have done training for various church leaders as well as serving the community by establishing social projects that can bear fruit for Christ.
    To know more about us please visit
    We prefer to work with you.
    Please, I am asking for instructions so that we can continue with the next step.
    In short, your goals and ours are very similar
    If your ministry has a base here in Tanzania it will benefit many including our partners in Burundi, Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda and DRC Congo who are doing God’s work with us.
    Whatsup me now via +255621072783
    I will be more than willing to host you here!!!
    Thank you

    • Joel Osborn Reply

      All of our international connections go through the Seventh Day Baptist Missionary Society. You can contact them through their website: