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East Side Story
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East Side Story

01 Apr 2019, by Nate Crandall in Pastor Nate

Galatians 5:14, “The whole law is fulfilled in one word: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”

East Side Story

On February 21st we had the opportunity to show love to our neighbors at Milton East Elementary School. We provided a simple lunch of pizza, salad and dessert. In addition, every member of the staff of Milton East received a card from our church family which thanked them for their work and service to the kids and families of Milton. Our small gesture was greatly appreciated!

One of the teachers who has been at the school for a number of years was very moved. He told us that the food was great, but the cards were especially meaningful. You could tell that during his years of teaching, encouragement in the form of what you all wrote on those cards has not happened very often.

There is nothing quite like the feeling you get when you are able to be a blessing to someone else. The reason we provided lunch and gave those cards was simply because of the love of Christ. He shows His love for us in so many ways, and because of that we want to show our love for others. It is a tremendous blessing when the love of Jesus flows through you to someone else.

We believe that the Lord wants us to keep on showing His love to our neighbors at Milton East. That may show up in practical ways like picking up trash on the grounds of the school from time to time. It may show up in spiritual ways like doing prayer walks around the building and lifting up the staff, kids and families of the school. In whatever ways the Lord calls us to love our neighbors, may we be ready to respond so that when the opportunity presents itself we may be ready to tell about the hope we have in our Lord and Savior Jesus.

Keep your eyes open for the next episode of East Side Story, and if you have ideas on how to love and bless our neighbors, please pass them along. Thank you so much for helping make this first “story” such a great success!