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Dylan Dodd – Short-Term Missions Trip
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Dylan Dodd

Dylan Dodd – Short-Term Missions Trip

27 Oct 2022, by Guest Speaker in Newsletter

Dylan is back from Costa Rica, the first portion of his short-term missions trip.  He’ll be home for a little over a month before he leaves for South Africa where he will be for six months.

Here is a short portion of his last report in Costa Rica:

I have been in Costa Rica for almost 6 weeks now (as of Oct 5). So three weeks ago I moved in with (a different host family from our church).  They love the Lord greatly which I’m thankful for.  During the three weeks I’ve lived with them, me and a friend have been helping serving at a local, private, Christian school helping out with the little kids. They are about the age of 8-10. The kids love us so much and we them. When we come into the school they drop everything and RUN up to us and give us a big ole hug! When we left the school our final time visiting they were very sad. They were asking us if we’d ever come back to them and it’s sad because I don’t know if I will ever see them again. The kids hugged us and didn’t ever want to let go. 

But things are changing drastically starting Thursday October 6th. My whole team and I are leaving our families, our friends, and the city life behind to drive 6 hours away to a poor indigenous town named Shiroles. There we will stay for three weeks where we will move in with completely different host families. There we will help our host families with work on their farms, do community projects every one in a while, and just live life with the locals. It is going to be a tough adjustment since we are moving from the city life into a town with no electricity, showers, clean water and other luxuries that I
am used to. But It will be an awesome experience!

The Lord has also been growing in me a greater love for him through my fellowship with him through the Word and through prayer! He’s been instilling in me the importance of my personal fellowship time with him, and it’s awesome!

Seek Dylan out at church and ask him what the Lord has been doing in his heart in Costa Rica!