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Courage to Stand Out for Christ
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Koinonia Youth Ministry

Courage to Stand Out for Christ

27 Oct 2022, by Guest Speaker in Newsletter

Dear Friends in Christ,

It’s been a busy fall with all the activities that come along with school starting, but the busyness doesn’t stop the Lord from getting His work done.

Hebrews 4:12 The Word of God is living and active…..

At bible study last night; a couple of the guys shared how they wanted to meet in the mornings at school to read the bible and encourage each other. While reading another young man came by and asked what they were doing. They said reading the bible. The guy asked if he could join them and not long after another guy came by and joined in wanting to get his faith back in gear.

It reminded me of a youth group I had met when I first got started in youth ministry. There were 70 kids at this youth group. I remember asking how it got started. They shared that a couple of them were in a park reading the bible together and another youth came by wondering what they were reading. They said, the Bible and that kid joined in as well as few other youth in the area. That youth group started and grew because a couple youth hungry to know and grow in the Lord through His word were not afraid to read the word in public.

I love to hear how the Holy Spirit shows up and does a work when and where He chooses to do so. John says:

No one knows when and where the Spirit will go….

Please be praying with us that we would be used by the Holy Spirit to accomplish the Lord’s saving work in young people and their families in this world that needs Him more than they know. And please specifically pray for our youth to have the courage to stand out for Christ, and that many opportunities would arise for them to share Jesus and His word.

It was great to meet one of the guys that joined that morning bible study. He came to youth group this week and said he had never been around such an atmosphere in a group like our Koinonia youth group and he’s looking forward to coming again.

May all of the Lord’s people have courage and opportunities led by the Holy Spirit to see God move hearts to Him.

Lord Bless,
