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6 Years in Germany – Nathaniel November 2021 Update
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Nathaniel Muench and frines

6 Years in Germany – Nathaniel November 2021 Update

28 Oct 2021, by Guest Speaker in Newsletter

New Job

I applied for a barista job at a local cafe a few months ago. In the beginning of July I had my trial day, I guess they liked me and I got the job starting September 1.

The first few weeks were a bit rough – not because the job was hard but because I needed to learn everything and speak in my second language. Most of the 25-30 year-old customers can speak English, but I need to speak German!

My first day working one of my coworkers said to me, “we know each other from YWAM.” I didn’t remember until he

reminded me about an event there they hosted a few years back. Another of my co-workers is the wife of another friend. So crazy to make so many connections!

I work the morning shifts normally and I was heading in one morning not wanting to work, cold and tired and praying for the day as I cycled in. I got there and my friend who also was on the opening shift had worship music playing. A total God thing—such a simple way for God to change a rough morning into a good day.


Zac and Sloan (another of the calling all skaters guys) came and visited Naomi and me for a week. It was fun having them around, talking about ministry, Jesus, coffee food and fellowship. We also got to skate a lot and spend time with the local guys I skate with.

Local Connections

I’ve been able to go out with some locals and shoot photos which has been really fun. It’s been such a good way connecting more personally with some of the fellas. The depth of conversations you get to have with people when it’s just two of you out in the streets is pretty amazing.

We are continuing our monthly skate ministry leadership meetings, our group is going strong and hungry for the Lord. The stories they share are always encouraging of what the Lord is doing.

6-Year Recap

Thank you so much for all your support! I just passed my 6 years anniversary since moving to Germany. I moved here with just $800 to my name and a one-way plane ticket. God has been really good and I’m still shocked how 6 years have passed and I’m still here and He’s still doing things.

  • W hen I first moved here, I knew no Christian skaters and now we have a network of Christian skateboarders across Germany.
  • Skate ministry was not happening outside of organized events and now our skate team is serving their local skate scenes and investing in local skaters.
  • We’ve created a European skate ministry network, beyond Germany, focused on connecting Christian skateboarders.
  • We’ve had some ideas that didn’t work out, but God has continually been faithful and still produced fruit despite it all.
  • The amount of friendships, teams and people throughout Germany serving skateboarders in these years is unbelievable.

So from the bottom of my heart, thank you for all your prayers and support.

Please pray for:

  • Future focus with ministry–there are some really rad opportunities opening but we crave guidance on what steps to take
  • Passing my German language test
  • Our skate team and growing deeper together
  • Local skate scene

You can help support Nathaniel’s mission financially on the Skaters for Christ support page.