Zac’s Last Report from Barcelona
30 Dec 2021, by Newsletter inOne thing for sure – the gospel is shared through relationships. This month in Barcelona we had opportunities to share with a Dutch skater and to continue getting to know Marco – a 20-year old who has been coming to our Friday Bible study.
Last week my co-worker David and I spent 5 hours (!) with Marco talking about various deep topics: God, government, social justice, science, and ultimately our part we play in the world; I even got to share the most impacting thing God has done in my life.
Marco is very open to God and wants to know the truth and where God and science meet. Please pray for him, that he would keep seeking, and that he would find.
We travelled to Madrid and reconnected with Isaac, a 20-year old we met who is now doing skate ministry by himself. He hosted a skate camp this past weekend and opened it up to anyone that wanted to come.
Several of us from YWAM Barcelona went to support him. There were mostly teenagers, and Aaron (one of the students from the Barcelona Thrash program we hosted in July) also came out. It was encouraging seeing how much God has been doing in his life over the past 5 months, including seeing him surrendering to God.
As this will be my last newsletter, I would like to thank those that have supported me over the years, and everyone for reading my newsletters. Just a few of the people you have helped reach with God’s truth and love: Josh, Davíd, Aaron, Ezra, Claire, Jaquline, Kat, Gustavo, Matt from Michigan, Cez, Michaela, Karolina, David (German), Isaac (Madrid), Mikołaj, Garrett, Jesenya, Josh J, Tucker, Adanya, Aquila, Luis, Nathan, Matt, Marco, and Sander. And so many more.
You have also helped in my personal walk with God. The past 3 years have been the most transformative of my life – thank you also for helping make that happen.
As the LORD leads you, please continue to pray for WYAM Barcelona:
- Elisha & Estter Stegner – Calling all Skaters (Skate ministry)
- Sarah Grunder – Creative department (ministry through the arts)
- Dave Terranova – Calling all Skaters & Creative department
- JP & Eve Sanders – Calling all Skaters & Creative department
- Isaac Vasquez – Youth ministry & Creative department
I look forward to seeing you all soon!
– Zac Muench