Your Potential to Change the World
08 Mar 2024, by Newsletter inThe Bible gives us a much more robust explanation of the duties of a church steward beyond just giving. One of the best-known examples juxtaposing good and bad stewardship is the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-28). Here, a man entrusts different amounts of money to three servants. The master scolds the servant who merely saved his bag of gold. Whereas, the two who put their allotments to good and productive uses were praised and given more responsibility.
One takeaway from this parable is that stewardship should not be about giving only, but doing. This outlook should inform your living and not just your giving. Connect your willingness to part with change from your pocketbook with your potential to change your world.
In fact, the majority of Bible verses addressing money deal with the responsibilities of having money and not the amount that is needed. You may be financially well off or struggling or somewhere in between. Biblical stewardship emphasizes what you CAN contribute, not how much.
You are a part of the mission of Jesus’ church, not merely funders of it.
Stewardship is about actively using what God has given you to accomplish the mission Jesus left His church.