Your Invitation to Conference
29 Apr 2024, by Newsletter inJuly 21-2
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Buckhannon, WV
by Johnmark Camenga, 2024 Session President
Conference 2024 will be here before you know it and I really hope that you’ll be able to be there for it. As we gather for this important time of business and fellowship and worship, we also gather so that we can learn together, grow together, and be commissioned together. This year, that learning, growing, and commissioning will be centered on what it means for the church to be unearthed and how we, as an unearthed church, are meant to live in covenant with each other and in service of the people Jesus places in our lives.
Conference 2024 will look a little different than it has in the past. There will still be plenty of time for business and fellowship and worship, but there will be a heavier focus on the learning and growing aspects. We will have a series of presentations and workshops and studies that focus on the following topics: The History/Mission of the Church, Confession/Repentance, Empathy, Self-Denial, Covenant, and many others. The goal is to help us to recover our foundation such that we are better equipped to live out Christ’s mission for his church.
So, you are invited. Indeed, you are needed. If we are to persist in this work as Seventh Day Baptists toward the advancement of the Kingdom, we need as many as possible to come so that we can learn, grow, and be commissioned together in the name of Jesus.
We are looking forward to seeing you July 21-28, 2024 at West Virginia Wesleyan College in Buckhannon, WV. Register at
Pray for the Seventh Day Baptist Conference
by Renee Sanford, Prayer Coordinator
This month our prayer focus is on the Seventh Day Baptist General Conference. As a local church we are blessed by the many ministries of the Conference. The Sabbath Recorder, SDB University, Pastor’s Conference, SCSC, our annual gathering for General Conference – and the list goes on. Often we don’t realize how much these services impact our local church. The many ministries of Conference need our prayers and support.
Please pray for these leaders and their staff:
- John Pethel – Church Development and Pastoral Services
- Nick Kersten, Director of Education and History
- Carl Greene, Executive Director
- Jeremiah Owen, Director of Communications
- Andy Samuels, Chief Executive Director of SDB Missionary Society
Pray for the work of the many councils and boards
- Christian Education Council
- Tract & Communication
- Council on History
- Council on Ministry
- Women’s Society
- Memorial Board
- Missionary Society
- Keep these leaders safe at home and during their many travels.
- May they continue to seek the LORD’s vision for SDB’s in North America and around the world.
- Provide all the resources needed to communicate that vision and move it forward.