Welcome Pastor John Pethtel and family
28 Jun 2023, by Newsletter, Uncategorized inPastor John Pethtel joins us July 1 as our Operations Pastor. Pastor John is familiar to us because he is Director of Church Development and Pastoral Services for our denomination and is often in town to do business at the Center in Janesville.
Pastor John comes to us from Colorado along with his wife Tabatha, and daughter Addison. Their son Xavier is in college, but will be joining our Camp Wakonda staff this summer. We look forward to getting to know all of them better.
John will be serving in his role as Operations Pastor part-time, 15 hours per week, primarily on Tuesdays. His duties will include Camp, budget and finances, facilities and IT and other duties as he works into this new role.
Please welcome him and his family as they move to Milton and get acquainted with us and our community.
As we await the arrival of our new Operations Pastor John Pethtel and his family, we invite you to welcome them to our area with a gift card shower.
Gift card shower and Meal Train
If you have a favorite place in our area to eat, shop or play, we invite you to purchase a gift card from that place and drop it in a card of welcome! You can bring the card/gift card to the church office or hand deliver it to the Pethtels when they arrive.
We have also set up a Meal Train for their week of moving in: June 29-July 7 The link for the Meal Train is: https://mealtrain.com/g67vwl
Let’s shower them with hospitality and welcome our new pastor and his family.