Welcome New Members!
29 Aug 2022, by Newsletter inAt our June mid-year meeting, the church body voted to receive six people into covenant membership. First of all, congratulations to:

Dylan Dodd

Ellie Greene

Timothy Lawton

Jennifer Preiss

Benny and Sarah Uhlich (pictured with son Roper)
We are so very thankful that you are a part of our church family!
We greatly value church membership for very important reasons. Perhaps the most important is because of God’s example to us.
When God initiated a relationship with his people, he started with a covenant. It was an agreement by which the expectations of the relationship, both God’s and his people’s, were clearly identified.
God’s method of defining expectations for how we relate to one another is the reason why we also hold to a covenant agreement as a church family.
Our covenant defines what we believe are the values and expectations we need to embrace and to encourage one another to hold on to firmly.
If you have not yet taken the step of going through the membership process and formally agreeing to the church covenant, I want to encourage you to take this very important step.
If you have any questions, grab me (Pastor Nate) anytime.
Glory to God