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Walking the Path of a Disciple
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Walking the Path of a Disciple

29 Aug 2024, by Nate Crandall in Newsletter

The path of following Jesus as a disciple is unique for every person, but every disciple will experience similar steps of growth along the way. Wherever you find yourself on the path, our church
family is all about encouraging one another on that journey.  The following questions are designed to help you to take the next steps in your life as a disciple of Jesus.

Step One: Where are you?

Since we all find ourselves at different points along the journey, it is important to recognize where the Lord has led you up to this point so that you can embrace the next steps he has for you. Pastor Nate is ready to help coach you to develop a step-by-step plan. It doesn’t matter if you’re at the beginning of your relationship with Christ or if you’ve been following him for a long time.

Contact Pastor Nate during the first two weeks of September to set up a time for discipleship coaching. This is also the first step in the process of becoming
a church member.

Step Two: What is a disciple?

A disciple is a worshipper of God who knows, loves, serves, and shares Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. If we are going to follow Jesus as his disciples, then we need to know what a disciple is. This fall our adult Sabbath School class will be a discussion of Pastor Nate’s discipleship series from this past spring. In addition, the church provides classes on basic Christian doctrines, Bible, and spiritual growth as a part of our Sabbath School curriculum.

Step Three: How do you fit with the family?

Finding your place in the church family is an important aspect of following Jesus. Just like the Lord has placed us in families as the place that is best suited for our nurture and growth, he also places us in church families. We walk down the path of following Jesus together. You will receive coaching on how to get connected to the church family in worship, fellowship, and service.

Step Four: Where do you need to be set free?

You can’t walk through life without picking up baggage along the way. Through our freedom and restoration ministry, you can be set free from the things that weigh you down and keep you from experiencing the kind of thriving life in Christ that the Lord has for you.

Step Five: Why is church membership important?

Most families live by unspoken expectations and agreements. In the church this is often the case as well. Since our church family values open communication, we believe it is best to clearly understand what it means to be a part of the family. Our covenant, vision, and values describe how we aim to do life together. Your commitment in membership to the church family affirms these values and seeks to live by them.

Watch for the upcoming membership class this fall.

If you are not yet a member, this class is a requirement to being considered for membership.