Praying for Camp Wakonda – 2021
30 Apr 2021, by Newsletter, Prayer, Wakonda inCamp season is on the way! We are all rejoicing that camp will be “fully operational” this summer! Let’s help lay a firm foundation of prayer for the 2021 campers, staff and families.
Camp Wakonda 2021 Camps (VBS, Intermediate, Camp Collision)
- LORD may you be glorified in the camp season!
- May you be worshipped in spirit & in truth
- Let camp be filled with faith, friends, fun & joy
- Let there be salvation & spiritual growth for campers & staff
- Pour out spiritual freedom & blessings for all who come to camp
- Make Camp Wakonda a welcoming place of deep peace
- Create a sense of belonging & long-term faith-focused relationships
- Keep everyone physically & medically safe
Camp Directors and Staff
- LORD, we ask for your Holy Spirit to guide the content of all camp programs
- We ask your protection, guidance, strength, encouragement & peace for the directors, teachers, & counselors
- Help us secure full staffing for all camps; keep staff safe from any health issues
- We specifically lift up Pastor Nate, Angie Mullen, Marcy Kersten, Larry Schultz, Kathleen Holbrook & Doneta Osborn
Camp Support Staff
- LORD, we ask for early identification of helpers & commitment from volunteers to fill all the support positions
- Guide & equip the medical & kitchen staff as they cope with new guidelines related to the pandemic
- Let registration & administrative support run smoothly.
- We specifically lift up Sydnee Bush, Margot Harris, Doneta Osborn, Brittney Kersten, & Janet Butler.
Physical Plant/Grounds
- Each year we pray for all safety and health inspections to go well; this year we especially ask your help as we adjust to Covid requirements
- Protect all campers, staff, families & others who come to camp
- May your presence & blessing continue to be felt at Camp Wakonda
- Provide the manpower to complete necessary upgrades
- We specifically lift up Brandon Crandall, Gary Groelle, Doug Lubke, Randy Carpenter.
Campers and Families
- LORD, please call young people to camp
- Give families wisdom in making health & social distancing decisions related to attending camp
- Prepare the hearts and minds of campers for the joy of Camp Wakonda
- Provide funding to those who need it
- Alert us to un-churched children in our neighborhoods so we can invite them to camp
LORD, we long for each camper to seek you, to be guided by your spirit, experiencing salvation & transformation, growing in grace & the fruit of the spirit. Let our young people persevere in the faith and influence their families, friends & community for your kingdom