Prayer Focus – Our Leaders
26 Apr 2022, by Newsletter inRecently Pastor Nate talked about ways to support our spiritual leaders – through meeting their physical/financial needs and by providing feedback on the impact they have on our lives.
Here’s another way to support them – through prayer. We are even instructed to do this in 1 Timothy 2:1: I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be offered for everyone…and all those in authority.
Pray for world-wide leaders
- Grant them wisdom & guidance to address global issues, such as climate, health & poverty
- Make them persistent in addressing “crisis” issues that fall off the front page – refugees, religious persecution, protection of children & women
- Help them forward peace while not neglecting justice for the oppressed
- Draw them into deep, committed relationships with Jesus
Pray for our nation’s leaders
- Grant them wisdom & guidance, as well as a focus on the nation more than their own careers
- Open their minds & hearts to your truth; give them a worldview aligned with truth
- Help them work together – more statesmanship & less politics
- Help them to foster community rather than inflaming conflict
- Draw them into deep, committed relationships with Jesus
- Help them communicate clearly – both speaking & listening
- Raise up God-fearing leaders within the medical, judicial & financial professions
Pray for our local leaders
- Grant them wisdom & guidance as they address community issues like fire support, attracting businesses & local events planning
- Help them navigate the many opinions on what is best for our children
- Help us as a community to reach out to vulnerable people with health, financial & emotional needs
- Give them a vision for the community – a vibrant economy, healthy relationships, sense of belonging
- Help them to help us work together for the common good
Pray for our church leaders
- Specifically, LORD, we ask your blessing upon Pastor Nate, Pastor Liz & our elders (Carl Greene & Nick Kersten). Encourage them. Protect them. Guide them. Make us a supportive
congregation. - Give them wisdom & guidance as they encourage us to reach out into the community
- Help them disciple us & foster spiritual growth
- Bless our denominational leadership in their efforts of church planting & world-wide outreach
Pray for our family leaders
- Grant us strong families. Help us to minister to each other during difficult times
- Help us incorporate singles into the broader church family
- Grant us wisdom & guidance in raising children in the LORD
- May Christ be the center of all we do.
TAGS: Newsletter 2022 05