29 Aug 2024, by Newsletter inServing Great Needs Around the World
WHO GOES – Those called to serve cross-culturally in places where basic services are not available.
- Thank you for calling your servants.
- Thank you for affirming their call as they faithfully prepared to go.
- Help them overcome
any obstacles to travel
& residency. - We know that they will face challenges & risks.
- What joy to know that you go before them preparing the way.
- What confidence to know that you not only protect them but also sustain & encourage them.
- Let those they serve see the love you have for them & how you provide for every need.
- Increase your servants’ faith & confidence in you.
- Help them learn the language, culture & concerns of the people you called them to serve.
- Give them opportunities to form friendships.
- Fill them with your Holy Spirit & make them fruitful.
- Give them compassion, strength & perseverance.
- Help them cope with loneliness, disorientation & culture shock.
- Use them to relieve suffering, now & eternally.
- Be glorified, magnified & blessed as your servants complete the work you prepared them to do.
- Give them both discretion & boldness in sharing why they have chosen to serve.
- Provide times of peace, refreshment & encouragement.
WHO SENDS – Families, Friends, Local Churches, Sponsoring Organizations – Together prayerfully identifying & supporting the workers you have called to go into all the world.
- Thank you for the opportunity to support your field workers.
- Keep us faithful in providing prayer support.
- Keep us faithful in providing financial support.
- Let us share the vision of relieving suffering.
- Guide us in encouraging your front-line workers.
- Show each of us our role in completing the work you have called us to do.
- LORD, you tell us the harvest is plentiful. We earnestly pray for you to send out laborers into your harvest field.
TAGS: Newsletter 2024 09