Responding to people in need with the compassion and truth of Christ are values that we hold closely. We partner with other Christ-centered organizations in order to develop fully devoted followers of Jesus.

Our church is partnering with our denomination’s missionary society and another organization to assist our Seventh Day Baptist churches in Uganda.
Click for moreGIFTS Men’s Shelter
The mission of GIFTS is to show Christ’s love to homeless men in Rock County by advancing renewal and hope through a unified Christian effort. We partner with GIFTS two weeks out of their year to provide meals and volunteers to serve meals, and to stay overnight at the Janesville shelter.
Outreach Prayer

Prayer is the under-girding of all our work. Join us each Thursday morning to pray for our church’s calling in the Great Commission, that all tribes, tongues and nations would know Jesus. Matthew 24:14 says: And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
East Side Story

To show and tell of Jesus’ love in serving our neighborhood school, Milton East Elementary School, by praying for them, providing special occasion meals to staff, mentoring students and appreciating staff.
Adopted Unreached People Group

The Rohingya, a people group originally from Myanmar, have been described as the most persecuted minority people group in the world. Our church started praying for the Rohingya in 2017 and since then we have developed a relationship with Rohingya in the area.
Field Workers
Larry Schultz

Larry Schultz ministers to High School students through Koinonia Ministries. He leads Bible studies, and Koinonia Singers, a gospel touring group with a show choir flair.
Jan Teat

On staff with Q Place since 2001, Jan serves as National Field Director. She coaches Christians to start nonjudgmental faith discussion groups. She also trains leaders to use Q Place’s 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations curriculum to better engage people as Jesus did.
TJ plans to use her medical skills in the Arab world
Outreach Spiritual Conversation Groups and Bible Studies

Our local Q Place (Q stands for Questions) provides a safe place for people to discuss life, God and the Bible in a non-judgmental setting. Our local Q Place is focused on women, held at the Milton YMCA and online on Zoom. More information on our local Q Place gatherings
Church Planting

Our church sponsors a church plant in Chicago providing spiritual and financial commitment for Phil and Bethany Lawton.
Operation Christmas Child

Since 2003, our church has participated in Operation Christmas Child, providing shoeboxes with school supplies, hygiene items, small toys and clothing to impoverished children around the world – along with the greatest gift of all, the Good News of Jesus.
Click for moreMilton Community Action Food Pantry

Regular collection of food donations are encouraged through our congregation. Also, a number of regular volunteers from our church are actively involved in serving our community at the food pantry.
Meals on Wheels

Regular volunteers are provided from our church to deliver meals to those in the community for this much needed service.
Boy Scouts
SInce 1943, our church has proudly chartered Troop 417. Many Scouts from Troop 417 have attained the rank of Eagle Scout representing thousands of hours of service to the community in Eagle Scout service projects.
Outreach Education

Our church provides education and guidance in outreach in a variety of ways. When an individual connected to our church is pursuing short-term or long-term outreach work, our outreach committee and pastoral staff provide direction, guidance for preparation and ongoing encouragement.
Click for moreShort-term Field Workers

Each year, our church encourages short-term field workers through prayer and monetary support. Examples of short-term field workers are the Koinonia singers, a program of Koinonia Youth Ministries, where high school students bring a gospel-filled message through song, dance and skits to churches all over Wisconsin.
Outreach Action Fund

You can support our outreach efforts too! Support our Milton SDB missions programming by purchasing Kwik Trip cards from our church office, where the proceeds go to outreach funding or by making a donation to the Outreach Fund at Milton SDB Church.