October is Pastor/Elder Appreciation Month
25 Sep 2022, by Newsletter inOctober is Pastor Appreciation month. The Biblical meaning of pastor is a shepherd – one who cares for and leads a flock. The word pastor comes from the Latin pascere meaning “to lead, to pasture, to cause to eat”. The term includes elders.
The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. (1 Timothy 5:17)
Thank you for Pastor Nate, Pastor Liz and Elders Carl Greene and Nick Kersten. How much God loves us to give us such leadership to guide us, care for us, and open God’s word to us.
Let’s bless them with our words of thanks, by honoring their vision, guidance & teaching, by supporting the work of our church, as well as with gifts or cards. And, of course, by praying for them. Here are some ways to pray for them:
P – Passion. Lord, please keep Pastor Nate, Pastor Liz, Pastor Carl and Pastor Nick passionate for you. May their love for you be deepened. Let that love pour out in love for the people they are called to serve. Let the name of Jesus be lifted up and God be glorified!
A – Adversity. Help our leaders lovingly deal with any adversity they face in the church or their personal lives. Let them handle things based on the teachings in your word. Help them gently confront sin and lead us into times of conviction, repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation.
S – Strength. Give our pastors and elders good health and the physical strength and energy needed to minister to their families, the church and our community. Keep their families healthy and their marriages strong.
T – Teaching. Give them all a hunger for your Word. Let their teaching flow from your Word illuminated by your Spirit. Let it be effective, powerful & clear and bear much fruit.
O – Organization. Help
Pastor Nate, Pastor Liz, Pastor Carl and Pastor Nick manage their time and the multiple issues they need to focus on. Help them set priorities and manage distractions. Bring them helpers to take on ministry leadership and service.
R – Rest. Give our hardworking pastors and elders times of rest and relaxation. Help them sleep well and be refreshed.
S – Seeking God. Keep our pastors and elders focused on seeking you and your truth. Give them your vision for the future. Let them seek you with all their heart. Bless them with the deep desires of their hearts.