New Year Prayers 2025
23 Dec 2024, by Newsletter inLet us take time to seek the LORD in prayer – for he so graciously promises, over and over again, that when we seek him, he will be found by us!
LORD, we are overwhelmed with gratitude – for this great blessing! You make it possible for us to know you, to worship you. You provide for our needs. You continually work to conform us to the image of your son! Thank you!
We pray, LORD, of a fresh start in 2025. May we let go of frustrations, unachieved goals, and unmet expectations. Let us shed the weight of anything that has kept us stuck. Give us courage to continue to wrestle with ongoing challenges. Help us press on to the victory you promise in Christ Jesus. Open our eyes to see new dreams, new possibilities and new opportunities. Let this year be blessed, fruitful and productive.
We pray, LORD, for a renewed spirit and a hopeful outlook in 2025. Make us more intimate with you, more confident in your sovereignty over world events. Help us remember that you are our shepherd, caring for us every day. Forgive us for any hardness of heart or confusion that makes us feel hopeless. Create in us clean hearts and renewed, right spirits. Fill our cup, LORD, fill us up and make us whole!
We pray, LORD, for your divine guidance in 2025. Guide us as individuals and a community. Keep us daily seeking your will and purpose. Lead us away from world views and people who promote evil. Let your Holy Spirit make us sensitive to your word and counsel. Focus us on your word not on popular opinions or the crisis of the day. Instruct us and teach us the way we should go. Let your guidance be clear and make us willing to follow it!
We pray, LORD, for wisdom and discernment in 2025. An awesome understanding of who you are – that is the beginning of wisdom! Show us yourself more clearly! How great thou art! We want to make choices based on your word and the principles it teaches. Give us understanding to choose between right and wrong, between good and evil, between your will and misguided human desires. Let our decisions advance your kingdom and give you glory.
We pray LORD, for faith to stand firm in 2025. Thank you for the gift of salvation and the gift of faith. Keep our faith strong – let it not waver when trials and challenges come. Help us remain steadfast in your word and confident in your unfailing love and kindness. Help us remain committed to your truth when the world pushes us in different directions. Let us truly love our neighbors.
LORD, help us remember that you are always with us. You are always doing more that we can ever ask or imagine. We cannot see or understand all you are doing to fulfill your promises to all of us and each of us. How glad we are that we are not alone! May 2025 be filled with joy and faith and the presence of the Holy Spirit. May the name of Jesus be lifted high!