Ministry Spotlight on SALT
25 Jan 2023, by Newsletter inYou are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.” (Matthew 5:13)
Thank the Lord that we have SALT in the church! The members of our “Sound And Light Team” are tasked with bringing flavor to our worship services. Without their dedication and skill, our worship service would be very different. So, this month, we want to highlight this ministry which adds so much to our worship.
Matt Uglum has been the leader of our SALT ministry for many years. His strong passion for serving is matched by his dedication to training up those who serve in the ministry. Joel Osborn has been serving for many years in graphic development and producing the slides that are part of every worship service. We are blessed by his expertise and by the training he provides to those who help on Sabbath mornings to advance slides, play music, and do all the other functions that are needed. In addition, the SALT team currently includes David St. Clair, Ryan Holbrook, Corbin Kersten, Hayden Rotzoll, and Natalie Kersten.
All together, these servants provide the support our worship services need for sound, screens, and recording (both in audio and video).
During COVID, we also began to do livestreaming on a weekly basis. This is such a blessing to those who are unable to be with us in person due to distance or other reasons.
There are more areas of ministry which the SALT team provides outside of the Sabbath morning worship service, and together these are a key aspect of our church. If you haven’t thanked our SALT people recently, be sure to appreciate them for the work they do. There is always room for more people to serve, so if this ministry interests you, contact Matt.
Prayer Focus February – SALT Team
- Thank you, LORD, for the dedicated servants of the Sound And Light Team!
- Guide them in their faith walk with you
- Help them balance their school, work, family and church commitments
- Help them to be creative and focused as they prepare and serve
- Provide them with all the tools they need to do this important job
- Let them know how much we appreciate them – and how much you value their service.