Ministry Spotlight on East Side Story
30 May 2023, by Newsletter inAnd the glory of the Lord went up from the midst of the city and stood on the mountain that is on the east side of the city.” (Ezekiel 11:23)
The 2022-23 school year is almost complete, so now is a good time for an update on our outreach to Milton East Elementary. Though COVID severely limited our opportunities to show the love of Christ and to share the gospel of Christ with our neighbors at Milton East, this past year allowed for renewed connections and ministry opportunities. Here’s a quick rundown.
Last fall, we started off with a prayer walk around Milton East. Joining us for the first time were some staff members from East as well as some believers from other churches in the area. It was a great experience to see that others have a heart for Milton East and are praying for the teachers, staff, students, and families just like we are!
Also, in the fall we invited our church family to participate in the Scoopie night for East. A few people came out in support. This next year, we hope to participate again and to see if we can get more of our church family to be there!
One of the really cool things that was started at Milton East this year was the “Hey Neighbor” mentoring program. This is the first year of the program, and it was a huge success. There were many mentors, and I (Pastor Nate) was happy to be one of them. I met weekly with a third grade boy, and we had a fabulous time. In the basement of Milton East, the staff set aside a location full of games and crafts for the students and mentors to enjoy during their time together.
Our church family provided a great number of the games to help get this area stocked and ready for use. Thank you to everyone who contributed!! It is well-used every week!
Finally, during parent teacher conferences, Milton schools do book sales as a fundraiser. This spring our church family bought a book for every Milton East teacher to use in their classroom! To borrow a phrase from Awana: Way To Go Good Job! The teachers wrote us a Thank You note. Check it out below.

I believe that we need to show the love of Christ in order to also share the good news of Christ. East Side Story is all about loving our neighbors at Milton East Elementary. Our hope is to be able to share the good news of life in Jesus. If you have a heart to love on the kids, the teachers and staff, or the families of Milton East, then please talk to Pastor Nate. God is doing good things on the East Side!
Prayer Focus – East Side Story
PRAISE – Let’s give praise to the Lord for all of the ways which we have been able to love our neighbors at Milton East!
Prayer walks, Scoopie night, “Hey Neighbor” mentoring program support with mentors and games, and Books for teachers.
CONFESSION – We confess that our love for our neighbors at Milton East does not often reach the level of loving them as we love ourselves. Let us consider how God has placed them as our neighbors so that we can love them with the strength of his love.
MEDITATION – “If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well.” (James 2:8)
PETITION – Ask the Lord to bless our church family so that we may be a blessing to everyone who is a part of Milton East.
INTERCESSION – Ask the Lord to send more people to show the love of Christ and to tell the gospel of Christ with students, families, teachers and staff who have not yet trusted Christ as Savior and Lord.
THANKSGIVING – Let us thank the Lord for wonderful teachers and staff at Milton East who do such a great job every day!
REST – As the summer comes and we take a break from our East Side Story ministry, let us trust that the Lord will renew our commitment and energy to be the light of Christ to our neighbors at Milton East