Koinonia Youth Ministries April 2022 Update
26 Apr 2022, by Newsletter inJesus said: We must work the works of Him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work. John 9:4
We have kicked into gear the Koinonia Singers Tour for this year in June. The itinerary below is almost complete.
I’m happy to say that even though the ramping up of planning, practices and preparing for Koinonia Singers is happening, we still get to weekly do the work of the Lord in our youth meeting, bible study and other connections with youth. It’s been great to see many of the kids bringing friends from school to the group so that their friend may hear the Gospel. We may not always see the immediate result of someone coming to Christ but it’s encouraging to see that someone be exposed to the Gospel. Please be praying that as the Gospel goes out to these many hearts, that it would take genuine root and we would get to see fruit.
I do get to hear from many of the new comers that they really want to come back. Many will say that they feel so accepted, and I’m sure it’s because of the love they feel from the Koinonia kids and the hope of love from God through His Gospel.
Thanks again for your support in making this possible for the work of His kingdom!
Please pray for the completion our schedule too.
Koinonia Singers Tour
June 16-27, 2022
* More details to come.
- Thurs. June 16 – Camp Wakonda, Milton
- Fri., June 17 – Browntown
- Sat., June18 – Shullsburg
- Sun., June 19 –
- Morning, Lone Rock
- Evening, Viroqua
- Mon., June 20 – TBB
- Tue., June 21 – Turtle Lake
- Wed., June 22 – Merrill
- Thurs., June 23 – Marshfield
- Fri., June 24 – TBD
- Sat., June 25 – Beaver Dam
- Sun., June 26 –
- Morning, Sun Prairie
- Evening, Evansville
- Mon., June 27 – Downtown Janesville