June is Missions Month
31 May 2022, by Newsletter inMissions Month is coming!
Each Sabbath (Saturday)will feature our church’s calling in the Great Commission, proclaiming Jesus’ name among the nations – locally, regionally and internationally.
Four Bible passages state a promise that in the end times when Christ returns, we will be worshiping Jesus with all colors and cultures of people. In summary, everyone will confess, that Jesus is Christ the Lord (see Revelation 5:13; Isaiah 45:23; Philippians 2:10-11 and Romans 14:11).
“As followers of Jesus, we’ve discovered a glorious message and a beautiful purpose that’s worth the entirety of our lives.” – Global Frontier Missions, In Step Program
God has uniquely gifted each person and each church to proclaim His name in specific ways. How has God called our church to make disciples? Here are a few ways, featured each week in Missions Month.
June 4 – Dylan Dodd
Dylan Dodd, who hopes to soon become a member of our church, shared his passion: “Ever since I was saved through Jesus when I was a 12-year-old boy, I’ve always had a burning passion for those who don’t know Jesus.”
As a recent high school graduate, Dylan will be serving in a 9-month gap year program to share the gospel in various countries. This short-term missions trip is for young adults who have a passion to travel, serve and share the gospel in cross-cultural settings.
Leaving in August, Dylan will travel to Costa Rica, Africa, and South Africa. Dylan says, “Bringing others to Christ has been a passion of mine for many years and I feel like God will use this trip to reach the lost.”
Call to Action: Please pray for Dylan and if you feel led to monetarily support his short-term missions trip, please donate by June 30th.
To donate:
- Through our church office, making checks payable to “Experience Mission” with “dylan.dodd” in the memo line.
- Online, go to www.experiencemission.org/sponsor/dylan.dodd and fill out the donation form.
June 11 – Uganda
Children’s World Impact partnering in Uganda for a self-sustaining project
Call to Action: Pray for the project to thrive in Uganda and for all the details to fall into place.
June 18: Rohingya in Milwaukee
Update on our adopted people group
Call to Action: Stay after church for 1/2 hour to pack pencil boxes with school supplies on Saturday, June 18. These will go to the Rohingya children in Milwaukee in our ongoing partnership with Devon Oasis.
June 25: East Side Story
Our local outreach to our local school, Milton East
Call to Action: Pray that a champion/leader from our church would step forward to lead this project at Milton East