Joy To The World!
30 Nov 2021, by Newsletter inLuke 2:10-11, “And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”
When you’ve been waiting for the Messiah for hundreds of years, and in your mind his appearance will lift you from the oppressive occupation of the Romans, this is good news which brings great joy! Even if that “Savior” is a baby, you are overwhelmed.
Good news like this has never happened before in your lifetime, and it will never happen again. This is good news for all of your people.
For almost the entire history of your people, the Jews, there have been other people who have attempted to literally wipe you off the face of the earth. Now a Savior has appeared. You believe that things will be like they were during the time of David and Solomon when the nation of Israel was able to defeat their enemies and have peace.
Only, that’s not the kind of joy that came to the world that night.
Jesus did not subdue the Roman Empire or the other nations that surrounded Israel. He did not become the reigning king of Israel. He was already the King of the universe. His eternal Kingdom was not just for the Jews but for all the people groups of the world. This joy was not temporal; it was a joy that would last into eternity.
Isn’t it true that the joy that the Lord brings to us is hard for us to grasp because our eyes are so focused on temporary things rather than his eternal and glorious being? The good news is that by his coming to earth we can know, love, serve and share him. This is truly what brings us the greatest joy.
So how can we practically take a step toward experiencing more fully the joy of Christ? I think that we can follow the example of the shepherds. They went looking for Jesus to see for themselves.
They didn’t just want to hear about it. They wanted to experience the Savior. They also told others about Jesus. They shared their Jesus story because it was just too good to keep to themselves. Their joy was to tell people about Jesus.
As you think through your gift shopping this season, why don’t you put something new on your list? It doesn’t cost anything except a little time and effort. Take some time to ask your Savior to give you something to tell someone else that will bring them the eternal joy of Jesus.
We ask for gifts from one another. Try asking your heavenly Father for the gift of bringing the joy of Jesus to someone who really needs him. That’s good news that brings great joy!