January Spotlight on Ministry: Jan Teat & Q Place
27 Dec 2022, by Newsletter inIn 2017, Melissa Lade, Shanny Snyder and I (Jen Preiss is also pictured) took a Q Place coaching class to learn how to invite people into a safe, nonjudgmental group to talk about life, God and the Bible. For the past six summers on Monday evenings, we have started a new “Spiritual Conversations” group for spiritual seekers, and then each spring, we invite that group to “fold into” the Bible study group on the opposite Mondays. Our Bible study ladies, all on Zoom, are now delving deep into the book of Mark.

The Spiritual Conversations group that began this past summer met at the YMCA in Milton for eight sessions, twice per month on Mondays through September. The YMCA welcomed us in and looked at our “spiritual fitness” group as complimentary to what they offer – physical fitness. We had not offered the “in person” option since prior to Covid. At the YMCA, we offered in person and on Zoom.
Because of the Zoom option, we had women participate from across the country. The YMCA offered a neutral setting for us to meet, since often those who are “figuring out faith” may not feel comfortable coming into a church building. Many attendees are struggling through traumatic life events and want to know if God is real.
Do you know any women who are asking spiritual questions? We’d love to invite them!
We’d also like to start a men’s Q Place group. If you’re interested, contact me.
A Q Place is best described as evangelistic discipleship, walking beside these ladies, asking lots of questions so they discover who Jesus is through the word of God. Because the three of us facilitators have “been around the block before,” it is a little less scary to invite our lady friends, family and neighbors into a new group each year. We remind ourselves that if they say “No,” it does not mean “Never.”
This group would not have happened without the training by Jan Teat, a Field Worker with Q Place. Her impact on us for the past six years has been one of encouragement, mentorship, problem solving and prayer. So many times we have received emails saying that the Q Place staff is praying for our group meeting that evening.
She has provided steadfast support to us for so many years and now our church supports her as a Field Worker. Serving with Q Place for 21 years as a National Field Leader, please consider supporting her through our church. Watch for Jan’s video update during our Spotlight on Ministry at our January 7th church service and continue reading for Jan’s December update.
Jan Teat’s December 2022 Q Place Update
A surprise happened after our car ran over a sharp metal object while Dave and I were on our way to church one Sunday this fall. The tire started to deflate, so we immediately turned around and drove to the tire center of a nearby Costco.
While waiting for our new tire, we walked over to the phone center. There we met “Madison,” a young woman who had come to train a new associate all week in Fort Wayne. The trainee hadn’t arrived, and we had a lovely time getting to know her. She was only 21 and yet had a job with a lot of responsibility. Our conversation moved easily from job stresses to things we would love to share with her—like a music venue in town and a Costco pumpkin pie. (And yes, along with checking on our tire and getting lunch, we bought a pie and shared it with her!)
When our tire was fixed and we were leaving, I felt a strong prompting to give Madison a copy of Steps to Peace with God. In conversation I had mentioned my Bible study group and that I would love to have her drop in if she could while in town, but other than that we hadn’t talked about spiritual things. But when I prayed silently for confirmation, I knew that I was supposed to give the booklet to her. So, I told her that my faith means a lot to me, and I felt led by God to give this to her. I delivered it with a hug.
Later that day I received a text from Madison:
I just wanted to reach out and thank you and Dave yet again for bringing such a beautiful light into my day. You were the very first human interactions for the day, and I could not have asked for better, more wholesome people to walk into my life & brighten my day! You guys are truly amazing & I wish you all the best in life! If I am ever in Fort Wayne again, I will make sure to be in touch! Thank you so much for the pie & the heart-touching experience! You guys were the light I did not know that I needed in my life! Xoxo
As a long-time “mobilizer of Christians” with Q Place, I am thrilled when God puts together an unexpected encounter and works to reach someone directly through me!

So many Christians feel insecure about having spiritual conversations and often miss opportunities that God puts before them. That’s why I love connecting Christians and churches with Q Place’s simple practices that start with noticing and move in time to sharing our story and God’s story. I love coaching Christians to run groups where people can discuss the Bible and see it for themselves. I love helping to lead our national and field teams to grow God’s Kingdom.
As God works at all of these levels, people like Madison are seeing light that they didn’t know they needed! Your support is part of all that God is doing in this ministry to draw people to Him! Thank you too for your prayers and support that help make this happen.
Have a Merry Christmas as you celebrate the birth of Jesus, the one true light!
Jan Teat
Q Place National Field Leader
Prayer Focus January – Field Worker Jan Teat and Q-Place Ministry
- LORD, continue to bless Linda, Shanny and Melissa as they meet with women to seek answers to spiritual questions and study your word.
- Bless Jan Teat in her mentoring and training ministry.
- Provide her with financial, spiritual, emotional and physical health
- Provide her with prayer support from our church
- Let Jan and those she mentors shine the light of Jesus to those around them
- Let them see the fruits of their labors – New life in Christ!
- Be glorified, LORD, in your servants as they share the gospel.