How’s Our Prayer Life?
27 Apr 2023, by Newsletter inAnd the foreigners who join themselves to the Lord, to minister to him, to love the name of the Lord, and to be his servants, everyone who keeps the Sabbath and does not profane it, and holds fast my covenant—these I will bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer; their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” (Isaiah 56:6-7)
Jesus quoted from this passage when he drove the money changers out of the temple. His “house” had become a “den of robbers” instead of a place of prayer.
Today we don’t go to the Jewish temple to worship and pray, but let us not just assume that church buildings are our houses of prayer.
Paul makes it clear that the temple, that is, God’s house, is not the same thing under the new covenant. “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16) So then, when God’s people gather, there is the house of prayer.
The “house” is the people of God, wherever two or more come together in Jesus’ name.
Have you trusted Christ alone for salvation from yours sins and the promise of new life in him? Then you belong to the house of God. You are a piece of his house.
When you gather together with the family of God, whether that’s in the church building or other places, whether that’s a large group gathering or a small group, do you join together in prayer?
If that’s not a habit, then let me ask the question. Why not? What keeps God’s family from praying together?
As you think about the answer to that question, let me remind you that the house of prayer is for all people. No one who has been received into the family of God through faith in Christ is excluded.
Our identity is that we are a praying people. If something is keeping us from living out our identity, then we need to find out what it is and do something to change it. God’s Spirit will lead us in this work because he’s the one who has called us to pray.
So God’s people, let me ask this question again from the perspective that together we are God’s house.