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Heritage Sabbath 2024
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Heritage Sabbath 2024

21 Sep 2024, by Nate Crandall in Newsletter

In keeping with our annual tradition of celebrating the Lord’s goodness to us as a church, Heritage Sabbath will be held the weekend of October 25-26th. Heritage Sabbath is wonderful time to gather for fellowship and worship, and to be renewed together in our walk with the Lord. This year we will have a special time of renewing our covenant together. Our theme this year is Building a Spiritual House. The theme verse is taken from 1 Peter 2:4-5, “As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

Friday will feature an evening of worship and healing. Pastor John will be speaking about Overcoming Barriers to Discipleship, and we will pray for everyone who desires healing. On Sabbath morning, for Sabbath School John Emmart will be teaching the Helping Hand Bible Study, and Pastor Nate will be facilitating a video series by Chip Ingram called The High Impact Church. The class for grade school children will be continuing their study using the Inductive Bible Study method. We encourage you to take advantage of these discipleship opportunities.

Once again after Sabbath morning worship we will gather around the table for the Turkey Dinner. Joining us both for worship and fellowship will be emerging SDB leaders from around the country, so this will be an excellent opportunity to engage with those outside the church family as well! To round out the events of the weekend, in the afternoon and evening we will have Fun and Fellowship at Camp Wakonda. More details about Sabbath afternoon will be coming soon, so watch for them and plan to be here for a great time with your church family!

Friday Night:

6:00 pm – Pizza Dinner with gluten free/healthy options

7:00 pm – Worship and Healing Service, Speaker – Pastor John Pethtel

Sabbath Day:

9:00 am – Sabbath School

Helping Hand Bible Study – John Emmart

High Impact Church – Pastor Nate

10:30 am – Worship Service

Covenant Renewal and Communion Speaker – Pastor Nate Crandall

12:00 pm – Turkey Dinner

1:30 pm – Optional Milton House Tour. $10. Sign up in the Welcome Center or contact the church office at 608-201-6324. Additional times will be added if needed.

1:30 pm – Fun and Fellowship @ Camp Wakonda. Indoor and outdoor games.

5:30 pm – Bonfire/dinner. Hot dogs, Chips, Pasta salad, S’mores fixings, Soda and water