Habits of Diligent Disciples
23 Dec 2024, by Newsletter inThese words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” (Deuteronomy 6:4-7)
Disciples are diligent. Discipleship does not exist without diligence to God’s Word. Unless we are diligent to learn, obey, and teach the Word of God, we will lose out on the blessings that God has for us. Spiritual habits help to keep us diligent.
Three spheres of diligence as disciples are especially important for us to look at today.
I don’t emphasize them to say that they have been neglected, necessarily, but they are of such importance to our life in Christ that it would be hard to over-emphasize them. I am referring to family devotions, disciple-making communities, and personal spiritual devotion. Here are a few quick suggestions to help you in the coming year.
Family Devotions
For our family devotions this year, Michelle and I will be using the “New City Catechism” written by Tim Keller. Although a catechism focuses on the basics of the Christian life and doctrine, the basics are what we need to go over and over if we are to become diligent disciples. My hope is that the topics in these chapters will lead to family discussions at the table, on the road, and wherever else you may be.
Disciple-Making Communities
When disciples of Jesus gather intentionally to study the Word, to pray, and to share what the Lord is doing in their lives, that, in essence is a disciple-making community. In our church family, we have several types of disciple-making communities such as Awana, Collision, Men’s and Women’s Bible studies, Q-place gatherings for ladies, and the Greene home group. If you are not in a disciple-making community, let’s change that this year so that you can be an even more diligent disciple.
Personal Bible Habits
The diligent disciple will read, memorize, and meditate on the Bible. David was a man who was diligent when it came to the Word of God. Listen to his prayer. “With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments! I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” (Psalm 119:10-11) Some of you who are good at reading daily need to take the step and start working on memorizing. When you memorize, you automatically start to meditate because the Word comes back to you and you think about it. But don’t stop there. The next step is to ask questions of God about the Word. You must make it your own, and that only comes from meditating. It is essential to listen to the preaching of the Word, but it is only by meditating on the Word that it will work into your heart and transform you into a disciple who walks closely with Jesus.
Spiritual habits help to keep us diligent. Unless we are diligent to learn, obey, and teach the Word of God, we will lose out on the blessings that God has for us. I don’t know about you, but I want 2025 to be a year of great blessing. I have given you your marching orders. Go forth and be blessed by being diligent disciples.