Sabbath School
Sabbath (Saturday) mornings at 9:00 AM, we have classes available for enriching our faith and deepening our fellowship. Classes start this fall on September 7.
Helping Hand study (adults and youth)
Are you ready to dig into the Bible? These studies focus on the worship practices offered as a grateful response to the covenantal relationship God initiates, first with Abraham, and later with the people of Israel

Inductive Study of Mark
This class is geared to elementary and middle school kids who can read. It’s energetic, exciting and focused on Jesus! Each week we study the next 10-25 verses directly from the Bible and we do Bible search drills based on Awana verses. There’s voluntary homework (with rewards) for checking the parallel passages in Matthew, Luke & John.
Please send your kids – and attend a class or two yourself to see how we HEAR God’s word. (Highlight, Explore/Explain, Analyze/Apply and Respond.) Faith comes by HEARing – and HEARing through the word of Christ!
Children’s Church
For children in grades K-5, held 2 Sabbaths a month. Children will be dismissed from the Children’s Message to the leaders in the parlor and then lead to the Large Group Area. Our lessons are from The Gospel Project. Children will return to rejoin their families at the end of the service.
Other fellowship and learning opportunities:
As we head into Fall, other opportunities will be starting up. Here are the current studies and meetings. If you would like to attend, contact the leader to see if they are meeting the week that you are interested in coming.
- Wednesday Morning Men’s Bible Study– Meeting at Sharla’s Coffee Stop, 525 College St., Unit 1, Milton each Wednesday at 6:30 a.m. Contact Pastor Nate at
- Wednesday Morning Ladies Bible Study – Meets each Wednesday morning from 9:30-11 a.m. For information about how to join contact Renee Sanford at We’d love you to join this inductive Bible study in person or on zoom.
- Awana Club – Wednesday evenings. See the Awana page for details.
- Collision Student Ministry – for youth grades 7-12. Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm out at Camp Wakonda
- Thursday Morning Great Commission Prayer – Meeting on Zoom at 7:00 a.m. Contact Pastor Nate at