Dylan Dodd: May 2023 Update
27 Apr 2023, by Newsletter inHere is a sampling from Dylan’s newsletter last month.
Ministry wise, we’re still working in the same place…Kairos (in South Africa), where we hand out food and clothes to people in need, and also the school aftercare at the end of the day helping kids with their homework and such.
Since the last time we talked I had a really cool experience where we handed out food to people in the community! They have one big day every month where they feeds TONS and TONS of people.
I also was given a moment from God to share the gospel with a local who was hungry for salvation! He was basically asking, “how can I be saved?” How awesome is that!!!
So that’s a praise that I wanted to share. Evangelism opportunities are everywhere here.
…My whole team and I are moving to our next community! It’s a place called Darling, South Africa. I thought that I’d be going to Lesotho next which is another country but boy was I bamboozled!
We are going to Darling which is still in the same country of South Africa. It’s a small town that is a 20 hour drive away from where I currently am (Centurion, S.A.) and is known for its farming.
Dylan’s Prayer List:
- Effectiveness in ministry with serving, loving and most importantly, opportunities to share the gospel!!!
- Blessings on my relationships with my team.
- Personal growth with the Lord and maturity. Growing in the fruits of the spirit and steadfastness in the word and prayer.
Dylan is expected to be home at the end of June. Make sure to ask him about how God moved in and through him in his trip!