Celebrate Christmas with the Connecting Church
29 Nov 2022, by Newsletter in“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Sonfrom the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)
Among the many mind-bending aspects to the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ is the reality that in becoming a human being, he lost none of his qualities of being God. The infinite God, creator of the universe, full of glory beyond the ability of humans to comprehend, came to live in the body of a flesh and blood human being. Jesus is truly fully God and fully man.
As we turn our attention to the remembrance and celebration of the Lord’s birth, let us look with new eyes of wonder to all that it means. On the day before Christmas, we will worship at our usual Sabbath morning time of 10:30 a.m. Then, in the afternoon we will return for our traditional candlelight Christmas Eve service. This will allow us to re-discover these powerful truths: Jesus is the Son of God and the son of man.
As a warm up, so to speak, to these meaningful times of worship, we will have our annual Christmas Music celebration the week before on Sabbath, December 17th. Please consider how you may be able to make this day special through the sharing of a song, a reading, or by participating in one of the choirs or music ensembles. It is always better when we share together!

In addition, please consider bringing a friend to one or more of our Christmas worship celebrations. Perhaps this may be the opportunity that someone is waiting for to draw close to Jesus! You could be the one to help them take a life-changing step!! The Lord Jesus came close to us, so that we could see how glorious he is. May this Christmas season full of eyes being opened to the glory of Jesus Christ!